Tuesday, July 11, 2006


This is not just a code you see at the end of Star Wars films. It was George Lucas' first film (yes, before Star Wars, before American Grafitti). I saw it years ago. It was part of the Alex Cox season of films called Moviedrome which featured and became all of my favourite films. We're talking "Forbidden Planet", we're talking "Repo Man", we're talking some good films.

All I remember is white featureless (futureless?) rooms blazing in white light. There were robots walking around and a theme of trying to break the mould to escape a controlling society.

Samples from this film were used in a classic ambient track by Richie Hawtin when he was recording as F.U.S.E. for the Dimension Intrusion album.

"What's wrong?", "Take 2 red capsules. Take 2 more!"

.... in a very Spock-like voice. These were instructions spoken over the omnipresent "PA" when people were monitored to be coming out of their drug-induced stupor.I will have to do an online search for the mp3 of that track when I get 5 minutes. It will then feature on my mp3 blog, Clik and Lissen. You can listen to real audio of the whole album on the FUSE link above.

Here is the link if you want to read what Wikipedia has to say about the sci-fi classic that is THX1138.


And here is a picture, also nicked off Wikipedia, of one of the robot police officers.

THX1138 - George Lucas' first film??


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